~ Wide burst ~

Love will surely burst u wide open…

Light will someday split u open…

Even if your life is now a cage…

…Little by little, You will turn into stars…

Little by little, you will turn into

the Whole sweet amorous universe.

Love will surely burst u wide open

into an unfettered, booming new galaxy…

…You will become so free

in a wonderful, secret…

and pure love that flows…

from a conscious, one-pointed, Infinite light.

Even then, my dear, the Beloved will have fulfilled…

just a fraction, just a fraction!

of a promise He wrote upon your heart.

For a Divine seed, the crown of Destiny,

is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain

you hold the title to!

O look again within yourself,

For I know you were once the elegant host

to all marvels in creation.

When your soul begins…

…to ever bloom and laugh

And spin in Eternal Ecstasy.

[by sufi poet Hazif]

Zero questions leads

 There is no “Any question?”, like they uses to ask nowadays. There is no question left ununswered. In the place where more inside knowledge is going to be disclosed questions vanish, opinions vanish too. There is only room for that which is natural and spotaneous:  the growth. Have you heard about it? As a little girl, my parents were always ready to correct when necessary. With different styles, they did it like skilled artists who know exactly which color and which tecnique. Correction is essentially a  must when u are small and if originates from a heartful, patient, creative source then it will convert in effective and prosperous ways and styles.

Later on there is no more correction, at one point the power of self correcting will be already blossomed and is now nicely settling in.  No more parents or parents-substitute will explicitely correct your behaviour within a chat, a phone call or email because its operating by itself. Maybe also because there were no questions fom the very beginning. Zero “??????” and more acceptance. More acceptance leads to more self correction. And more self correction leads.

The right place to cultivate spirituality

They say the perfect place  to live is in ourself, that if we feel good in our spirit we feel good everywhere we live and go. This is partly right and partly wrong. To be the spirit should be the Priority goal in our life but to live in a place that suits our essence and development probably comes even before the spirit. Because we cannot be the spirit if practically we dont find the fertile soil to seed and cultivate our personality. How can the tree grow if there is no right place in the earth where to spread its own roots? How can the embryo grow if there is no warm womb ready to nourish him? When you are in the right place at the right moment you are also ready to keep growing.

Motor force in the background

Forget the past forget the past. What is this? …Erase the past? …Understand the past? …Give dignity to the past? Past is a source of power, a spiral of gems waiting to be lucidated and finally sparkle in all their splendor and sacrality. Each person has a special background because each person is special. Two Mondays ago i has the fortune to walk around Rome, the only world city where history comes alive and you cannot forget your past. Rome sucks you back wherever you are born and whatever is your motherlanguage. Rome does make your inside bell ringing: Love Your Past, Give it the Dignity. This is why Rome is awsome and this is also why I am pervaded by immense gratitude fora pretty long Roman pastlife. She understands me. Of course my visit was not only for pleasure causes but there was a productive reason linked to important working documents that She was still taking care of. It was now the time to be fully entitled the predicted sole owner of these Papers. And there i was enjoying the renewed past. When we k.n.o.w. where we are coming from, extraordinary motor forces get ignited. Never forget who we really are if we want to take the chance to drive. 



Getting involved in different activities is one of the most famous way to empower the selfish personality. We are very happy to succeed and improve our artistical, intellectual or physical skills. Such a fast competition today and this competition is born directly out of egoistical roots.  Thru media, medical advicers and friends (??) we are also told that getting involved is a good way for socializing and mingling with people to open up and exchange vibrations. Indeed getting together is essential straight up to human EVOLUTION  but the best competition, the serious one is that for higher ideals and a work of love, silent and fulfilled. Getting togheter with the sole scope to nourish this work belongs to a special kind of understanding.

…a bite of “genetica”


Sometimes genes change and you can really know when the time has come. It also depends where you are born and from whom, from which characters. Logic of physiology. There are massive populations which will probably not change so much cause they are destined to adapt smoothly by nature and already suffice; maybe they have stronger genes?. Instead other people (here it s where i suck by nature) do belong to smaller group and most of their genes are already in the process of estinguishing. Otherwise they must change 60% of their personality and attitudes. However they have a better chance in case their persona have been generated by elements from two different groups (although smaller but with some kind of differences anyway).  An evening physio-rambling (( ~Smiles~ ))

Narrow minded character of metropolitan big cities

A very functional & natural way how huge cities work! Big metropolis are always depicted  as intercultural areas where the most open minded brains from different cultures come and join to lift the standards of the city up. At all kinds of level: creative, educational, urban…Hundreds of thousands of projects from all sides are regularly thrown into the big melting pot for being cooked and then digested not only by the resident population but also and especially to inspire who live not in the city. Sometimes i read blogs of people who come to Hong Kong for work only or for holidays and  project an image of freedom and amazing inspiration about the city. A superficial image or better half image. The counterpart is told above in the title. Bliss of the balance. Extreme openness must be in harmony with extreme closure. Very cool.

There will be the most narrow minded people in a highly populated city. It s part of her beauty and it s totally part of her gwrowth. You will be amazed. You need to grasp both parts and make them hugging each other 😉

(photo: adriana pinzon)

Updated western & materialistic myths

Myth 1

To try different foods very often is exciting and opens up to new culture and a new understanding of people; in addiction it will supply a much more various range of different vitamins and elements to your body~

boundless inspiration: is your body ready to new culture & new understanding of people?

Myth 2

It’s very important to take a break once in a while and fly off to another place for a relaxing mini holiday; it’s  a great antidote to reduce strees and to recharge the batteries of your couple relationship~

boundless inspiration: which kind of battery do you need?

Myth 3

western women are more dynamic; in fact they have lived and raised in a free society with equal rights. As a consequence they are expected to lead first position roles in any society, such as coordinating, planning, projecting, proposing, taking initiatives ecc ecc~

boundless inspiration: western women should seriously, yes seriously, take to meditation

Myth 4

it’s very good to change color and hairstyle every once in a while: it will refresh your personality  and outlook and it will make you free to play with all your different dimensions of woman within~   

boundless inspiration: only one dimension is the most important in a  woman, that is she should be real

Myth 5

Children are very costly, one is already enough~

boundless inspiration: children with wise parents only coast thousands of pure happenings in life.

Myth 6

To treasure old stuff is to treasure and respect their historical meaning  and all the work and efforts to them dedicated in the pastime.

boundless inspiration: it’s very liberating to get rid of old “treasures”

Myth 7

It’s very important that in a decision making process everybody should have their own opinio and express it~

boundless inspiration: most boring people always have an opinion for everything


technical lifestyle


It’s becoming a technical world especially for those people who want to lead a realized lifestyle founded on living and sustainable awareness. The vibrant lifestyle that gives continuous try to real techniques of improvement. There is a tecnique for everything today, there are subtle ways, there are gross ways. You wish to be radiant: there is a precise tecnique for that. You wish to have all the money you deserve: there is a precise tecnique for that too. You wish peace and fun all the times: there is a tecnique to achieve both even together. You name your wish, you name the quality and the tecnique is there to serve you.

Important is to learn the tecnique, better the wide range of tecniques at all different levels of personality and understanding. Some people value profound humility to the point that they learn how to make it blossom thru their glorious character. Other people do not bother about humility for example and they just act to be humble, they miserably fail on this tecnique and on teh quality as immediate consequence, looking very comic to the eyes of whom is caring much for self realization. Wherever functional and simple tecniques are missing, there will be weird fun, chaos and degeneration along the years. It has been tested already.

A good lifestyle must be grounded in a well certified and organic array of tecniques which have been largely explained and proved by authorized personalities. Authorized by their life and life vision especially. How much do you like applying tecniques to estabilish a prosperous lifestyle? Which kind of tecniques do you use? Are you realized?

Where virtual games lead thru herbed halibut and new catastrofi


Popping by hub’s facebook page briskly reading “he just whipped up some fresh herbed halibut at some Cafe place” . Adorable Hub whipping fish at the stove in a Cafe’? No no, cannot be him. Or may be in his dream. So i left him a comment: can you do it at home for 1 time pleeeease? At least it will sound more enthusiastic than cooking halibut thru the Virtual cafe on facebook. I really really want to know where virtual games lead our mind and what is so attractive in them. The answer is nothing and it depends also on the time people spent on them, how big is the portion of our Complete attention stickying on them.

Instead of playing virtually you can just do it. Learn a recipe, have fun in the kitchen, chat with the fish shopper at the market, make up some relationship, and cook your halibut. It s just a fishy example but can be applied to virtual pokers, real estate, farmville, fashion shop: virtual games do cover all kinds of real world fields. They relax the mind? They alienate a person from human contacts? They give some distraction during the working time? They develop modern catches in the body & soul? You will know the answer soon while you play them.  

In addition, what is the percentage of attention = time, drooling on the end of the world stuff, the maya calendar, the astronomy and the prophecies; there is also a mad-catastrofe-effective movie called 2012 on that; how about focusing on exploration of divinity of the present world? the divinity of the human abilities and potential? …Like cooking some fresh halibut for example.

But the main point is of immense capacity. The whipping herbed fish is another story. An the end of the world stuff are a waste of sacred time. maybe  they are also connected.

[photo by national geographic stolen to another blog i dont remember the name]

Verses for Smart people

Smart people travelling & settling down into the city

merrying interculturally & getting involved into professional projects and new life

…that sense of integration

What is the real perspective of integration? Developing sense of community or friendship?

…that sense of integration

Feelin it into the central nervous system, or every effort is mirage and nothing else. Like going nowhere.

But that sense of integration makes all the differences~

Amsagirl stuff & beyond

Today morning i logined in a new portal to post some hand made, painted items and chose this name for the avatar: Amsagirl. Hamsa is actually a body part or better a small nut that cannot be seen because it is covered by our skin&meat at the junction between the nose and the forehead. This is a crucial point, which also gives a crucial personality in the proper cases, when it is not spoiled.

On Sunday i also spent more than five hours making earrings, they came out intricated, with patterns and colors combinations never used before. But before that, i had to divide the real crystals swarosky from the fake ones (imitations), the glass beads from the plastic ones, the wooden from the clay and so on. It took me about two of the five hours to discriminate and order (and it didnt finished completely yet): in fact all the compartments of the beads-boxes were under quite a chaotic movement.




Thru this discrimination not only the bad anti-ecological beads were distinguished from the good environmental friendly ones and viceversa but also the different shapes were noticed, the colors, the materials and all together a neat inspiration resulted into a new beautiful earring design. So discrimination is a must, all in all. Without it, all the work can be also done but it will be a full waste and of no use for anybody, the designer and the  ones in love with fashionable designs in this case sample. And above all for the divine that loves accurate sort of design. 

Asians ripped off by westerners promising enlightenment and improvements in life


Spiritual teachers, sound shamans, crystal healers, general healers, no idea how much rubbish there is also in Asia. They come from Europe or America  and start estabilishing themselves in China, Thailand, Indonesia…they even succed in opening retreat or healing centers with the sole scope to earn money and live their life. They are very clever and organize lots of workshop using the words: WISDOM – ENERGY – MEDITATION – RELAXING – CREATIVITY – SECRET – CONSCIOUSNESS – SUBTLE – POWER – HEALING- DIVINE SELF – EXPERIENCE TO EVOLVE – MIRACLE – CREATION.

Be careful. And be smart.

Here in Hong Kong they plan saturdays 7 hours workshop for 1.111 HKD and will promise to make you familiar with the keys to success and power, an easy guide to create your own life and improve it in all kinds of aspects.

Be smart and be alert.

They will tell that gratitude is the attitude and that money in this materialistic society is not leading to anything. On the other hand they will charge you a lot of money for a workshop and for 1 hour session (here in HK 800 HKD) of consultation, healing or astrology.

They will come up with some secret code or secret book that will want to teach you about, recalling some master or knowledge from the ancient times. Sometimes they dont live in Hong Kong and travel here in the weekend just to collect the money of their students. But once they go back home their students (are you or have you already been one of them??) are left in a transitive happy mood which will last only for some hours, then it will vanish and again there will be the need to go back to another workshop, and another and another. But the reality of life and the true joy cannot depend upon a workshop or a weekend seminar. It depends only on you.

So be smart and good luck.


How much childlike is the soul of folks involved in toy industry

Working with toys is one of the most exciting  and creative thing.  Behind each design and project it is moving a vibrant mixture of  all the qualities enclosed into a child himself. Infact toys are directed to children and they are created for their evolution and wellbeing, fun and growth. Nowaday the attention towards children’s positive maturation is becoming  bigger and bigger. All parents and educators want to put their best effort to give a life of great quality to their children. What is great quality? The answer is easy. Like the seven basical musical notes do re mi fa sol la si do create wonderful melodies and songs, at the same way these seven qualities create  a wonderful lifepath. 

And to have them expanding from inside out will enable anybody to develop the best stuff for any child. 

  • innocence
  • creativity
  • dharma
  • love
  • collectivity
  • balance
  • joy

Last year i experienced a couple of seminars in toy exhibitions  directed to foster connections between all kinds of folks involved in making toys at different levels, also from different countries. When listening to their speeches i was wondering how truly childlike is their nature.


Keep learning, keep smiling

I am watching the big soft orange placed right here on the office desk, a macrocosmo of vitamins and precious water. And just now i am back from reading a beautiful blog which focus a lot on health, nature, self care, beauty of life. Go ahead you too if like me and other people do cultivate the strong interest of living a vibrant, satisfying,positive life full of energy and in constant growth. With all the best wishes! 
