The greatest teacher

Sitting down here you can think about anybody – your mother, father, anybody. You will know each centre you are catching and all these centres denote something within you. But if you want me to teach you everything in one day, it’s not possible. You have to give some time to yourself, that’s all. I think that’s the only thing needed, that you have to give some time to yourself and you have to value yourself.

Nirmala Devi Srivastava, 1979

Pure music in pure body (part one)


Music is therapeutic and it must be experienced to be felt and notice the real results in the person. In my opinion music is the best way to grow inside, to cultivate that unique humus of humanity (and divinity!) of which we are made of. Ancient musical discoveries from India are just perfect for these kind of experiments. The Indian notes, swaras, were established by talented men who meditated for long time and reached higher levels of awareness and self-understanding. They related these swaras to the animals:

  1. SA from peacock
  2. RE from bull
  3. GA from
  4. MA from crane
  5. PA from cuckoo
  6. DHA from horse
  7. NI from elephant  

There are organs (and also no organs) our body is made of, tissues, cells, molecules, energy, movement of vibration, the deeper we go the less we can see with our eyes, the more we can feel with our sense. As a consequence notes can be sung and experienced at this level very deep.

As a tree comes from seed, likewise the whole mantra evolves from Bija Mantra. And being so, the Bija Mantras are considered as a source of creation. From the realization of the potencies of these vibratory Bija mantras, the Rishis devised Mantras, which when properly intoned activate these creative forces to produce the desired result. [mantras] are like engines pulling a train, and for thsi reason they ar eoften called Shakti mantras.  [N. Srivastava]

When I was working in an Italian hospital as psychologist in the department of Neuropsychiatry for children there were programs based on music therapy for the little patients aiming to restore their abilities of speaking and self-integration. Today the science of music is utilized widely in different settings and discussed in worldwide conferences. This science has got a tremendous potential of solving crucial problems of personality either on individual and collective levels. We are all born with a subtle system within ourselves. Many people know that, many more do not have its knowledge.

Every time we sing a specific letter we are producing a movement around a main organ, or complex of organs. Seven complex of organs (chakras) are recognized to semplify the structure of our body: pelvis, liver, stomach, heart, throat, eyes, brain.

All the petals in all the chakras have a particular letter which was seen and heard by the great Rishis during their meditation. The letters are charged with the specific power of that particular petal and so when chanted, give the desired result. That is the power of that particulat chakra. 

Pelvis area

Wa, sha, sha, sa
Liver area Ba, bha, ma, ya, ra, la
Stomach area Da, dha, na, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, fa
Heart area Ka, kha, ga, gha, ga, cha, chha, ja, za, nya, ta, tha
Throat area A, aa, I, ii, u, uu, ru, ruu, lru, lruu, e, ai, o, ou, am, aha
Eyes area Ha, ksha
Brain – top head (thoughtless, no sound) can be Om or ca be pures form like: a, la, ta, la, ta, a , la

Career: Three elements to absolutely work on/out

 There is so much attention on career these days: books printed out, seminars organized, talks and chats at office, during lunch and at home. We are also bombarded by so many ads about self-improvements, self-growth, self-this and that. Another thing is that we also know that each and every individual cannot improve alone, he needs some good humus that only the collectivity he’s plugged in can give. This is the reason why a big part of the general attention is also on the team work, the power of the collective. I would dare to say that we still do not know anything about how to live collectively in a full satisfied way. If we would then so many problems would just dissolve because they would be disintegrated in some kind of vortex which is even bigger than the individual mind.


 There are 3 enormous obstacles which block the professional growth, followed by comments from the expert:

1) guilt:

 I think this is a modern tecnique, to feel guilty. Some sort of a modernism is in it because I dont know how it has worked out. And this modernism of this horrible thing called “guilt” is something that really […] to clear out.

2) no pro-collective skills

So today’s understanding should be that we all should become collective from inside. We should not grudge or grumble about everything – and enjoy the collectivity.

But the second side of collectivity is this: do not try to exploit the collectivity, otherwise you’ll be in trouble…When you are collective, you have to be respecting the collectivity of others. By your presence, another person should not, by any chance, suffer or should not feel in any way insulted or inconvenienced. So when you are in the ollective, it should be such that another person should enjoy your company, enjoy you being there. That is something where there is no problem. But if you are demanding and if you are asking for things and you think no end of yourself, you cannot at ll be collective by any chnace, but you’ll suffer for that. Automatically you will suffer.

3) anger 

[…] Like anger, people always boast “I’m very angry with him”. Just make that anger into forgiveness and you’ll see the person.  Instead of you getting into problems, he will get into problems. Anger will upset you, but forgiveness will upset him, automatically. It’s the biggest weapon you have got, is to forgive […]. And this will give you self-respect, taht you ar enot disturbed by anything you see.

Like a ship has to be seaworthy – if you put the ship on the sea and if it breaks, what’s the us of making a ship?[…] You have to be seaworthy and if you are seaworthy nothing can disturb you. 

Reading these excerpts and meditating on them, I found out they really well fit the need of people (like me) working full time for middle or big companies. Watch the obstacles out! They are some kind of viruses leading to further complications. For example they will make the person degenerate towards un-constructive behaviours, damaging not only the individual image but also the one of the company. Moreover they will provoke interminable waste of precious time and money for everybody at different levels.

My Xmas e-card

In this period with my colleagues at work we use to send email greetings for the season. The girls from Human Relations Department come slightly dressed up by angels and santas sharing sweets and best wishes. Its really cute, it’s a moment of relax and sweet laughing for many of us in the office.This is what I am going to send as Best Wish for the New Year to my mates: an extract of a speech about “How to be inspired” by Nirmala Devi Srivastava. Due to the fact that the main essence of our job (script writing, editing, designing) is the creativity, the word “inspiration” is overused among us, so maybe the time has come to understand its meaning and try to work it out!   

 [ That which is coming to us, which is “new” – and is very different to the “thoughts” that we have. First these inspirations come to us, in “light and shade” and then are “moulded by us into language”. They come from inside…then we are spontaneous, inspirational. It is not like normal thing, which is very superficial, and which is the interaction between thoughts and action, action and reaction.Reduce your arguments to the minimum…and minimum…and don’t think… the inspiration  will come to you from within, and when the inspiration will be coming, then you’ll find that it will be very different…it will be very beautiful.Go on telling your mind that “this is not…this is not…this is not” any thoughts that comes to your mind you go on telling “this is not… not this… not this…”then the inspiration starts coming. You see what I feel… people are not inspired… they have got fear, on one side…or else they go into ego trip. So to stay in the centre, what you have to do is to go on saying “not this thought” …the most intelligent person is the one who knows that our intellect is just an ego trip…this is the sign of pure intelligence…of pure understanding…that the heart is the rule […] but then what is the use of the brain…why not have only heart you see would be alright…but the brain is the one which “acts”. Heart is the inspiration…but the brain acts on it… ]

Enlightenment loves integration

 What’s our mind form? Do we usually tend to unite or to divide? It’s a very wide question but it can probably offer an input about personal psychology and self-understanding.For example they can ask: is it the Hong Kong people attitude the same as the mainland China’s one? The united tending mind is more tempted to answer yes and prefers to firstly enunciate a common vision of the idea.Well – would say – most of the people living in Hong Kong have at least one generation who was settled in the Mainland before spreading down to the city. Moreover the attitude of their heart is just the same, cordial, open and smiling, treating the guests with respect. It does not make any difference if they live in a small or large town. Although their lifestyle is different, the basic behavioral way of acting unites them.  Can I say that to discriminate between good and bad also requires a united mind? For example the Honoris Causam awarded psychologist Nirmala Srivastava states: “The discrimination between good and bad becomes one in your mind, becomes one of your inner temperament, then you are always very much satisfied because you know you are not doing something which is wrong”.