Tools for unlocking people souls

Any PhD around to get these tools? No sorry. It’s beyond intellectual life. One very small hint is the dialect. We live in a world of dialects. Sometimes dialects are made official languages other times they just survive to the flow of changes. With my gramma I had to talk dialect although she could speak and understand the country official language very well from school time. I heard Easyjet, an airline company based in London, is planning to use dialects on board during three main Italian routes from north to south and vicevesa.  During lunch break n Hong Kong it s a ritual,you go out forlunch and you have to speak dialect. But at one condition only: because you want to unlock people soul.

Otherwise you can choose to  keep your foreigner soul growing bigger and get lost in confusion with the time.  Any magic tool is pure c h o i c e .

[image is from national geographic best 2009]

Spirit is food to a city and foundation of urban education

A skype talk about urban education and spiritual foundations.


Lui from India: [Hong Kong] it is among the most globalized nation of the world. How is HK in terms of education.


Lei from Hong Kong: not very good actually, static. We shud get there, as yogis i mean. I know several teachers and when they talk i dont feel anything so speacial and enlightened abt their method. So i suppose it s the same as in other countries


Lui from India: but being a free [market] also must have lots of opportunities for growth…


Lei from Hong Kong: yes may be


Lui from India: ok..


Lei from Hong Kong: but the programs for example are the same as in other UNI of other countries


Lui from India: ok tht’s nice.


Lei from Hong Kong: the globalized aspect you can touch it more in the street than in the school


Lui from India: you are absolutely correct. It is the general upscale living and life style…


Lei from Hong Kong: 90% of the people here is local


Lui from India: ok


Lui from India:how about the school.


Lei from Hong Kong: the schools?


Lui from India: ya primary school eduations for kids.


Lei from Hong Kong:some are very chinese , some others international with more teachers from abroad. Kids i heard they are very much pressured. They always have examinations during the year and between the years. I know that coz i talk to the kids in the ashram too. They study hard and have several extra classes


Lui from India: since you can understand the psycho of kids better [saying that because Lei has been a childhood psychologist, n.d.r.]…


Lei from Hong Kong:here kids study ALOT, maybe too much. They start languages, instruments when they are 3 for example. There are plenty of nurseries for this aim.


Lui from India: what is the common stress release for them.


Lei from Hong Kong:not too much time for playing free


Lui from India: hmm


Lei from Hong Kong:i always see them in the street dressed to go to learn something. Their head is too long in the little books. HK also is the first city in the world with the highest rate of music-learning kids.


Lui from India: how does a kid react when they grow up under high pressure.


Lei from Hong Kong: they develop an attitude like they want to learn many many things and apply to a course after another to fill the brain with lots of info.


Lui from India: do they frustrate or some would get involved in other activities to release stress….what do you say.


Lei from Hong Kong:i hear my colleagues talking about their daughters/son, they say the kid is not always happy but a kid should be happy and joyful all the time. But these kids here start to learn the word and the feeling of stress already so young, like it was a normal thing to handle or to cope with. This is not really normal. It’s like they are being prepared to live in a stressed socierty in the future not in a relaxed and enjoable one. Do u think is allright?


Lui from India: yes u are right, but tell me if kids grow up under pressure how do they react when they grow teens, or later…


Lei from Hong Kong:yes i told u they develop an endless desire to fill their brain with info, they learn many things, and probably they are good at them all


Lui from India: ok now we are on the same platform…must be excessive right sided..


Lei from Hong Kong:yes, my co-workers and friends of my age are not happy with learning 2 things for example. They dont want to put limit to this knowledge and they apply to so many classes, and they are like machines; i can see them, they are not relaxed. Always busy studying, learning someting, it’s not positive, i am sure.


Lui from India: it is out of competition or out of learning insincts they behave like these…


Lei from Hong Kong:i dont know, maybe both? many people say because of competition. It becomes a circle in the mind.


Lui from India: but if it is the latter it is better !!!


Lei from Hong Kong:YES


Lui from India: ya, this is why kids cannot enjoy their age now


Lei from Hong Kong:i also feel they burn so much energy and then later they will not have enough strenght for more important steps


Lui from India: this might result in decling age ratio then.


Lei from Hong Kong:somtimes i felt tempted to apply this and that class but i had to tell myself no, 2 is enough otherwise u ll go crazy. HK is based on the Learning principle, very mind oriented, not spiritual oriented, sorry.


Lui from India: i am completely with you on this…


Lei from Hong Kong: it s created on very fragile foundations, human foundations but the spirit is the most important food for a city.


Why music therapy is essential for our busy daily life?

Modern world is a world of rapid advancements where rat race has become a part of our life. Globalization with this unavoidable rat race is causing all round physical and mental challenges resulting into stress, tension, trauma as well as ailments. Thus with increasing modernization and invitations, it is a paradox of life that number of desease and ailments are equally increasing. The obvious reasons for this situation are imbalance between mind and body. The major causes of human deseases are maninly two – physical and mental. A majority of deseases are caused by mental disturbances. Mental disturbances are invisible and are ignored till they lead to physical illness.

An alternative therapy for the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health in the new millennium is “Music Therapy” . The human voice carries with it the Divine energy and when we add our intention to use our voice in service, it acts like a laser. And if we use the energy of sound properly we can create positive charge in every area of life. Music has both positive and negative effects. Positive music produces beneficial effects and is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually uplifting. Negative music invokes emotions such as depression, frustration, anger, fear and distressing states of mind such as mental imbalance. The simplest form of music therapy is probably a mother singing to put a baby to sleep. Why does it work? Because the mother cares. Her heart is open and she is linked in love with her child. [Arun Apte, music therapist]


Enlightenment loves integration

 What’s our mind form? Do we usually tend to unite or to divide? It’s a very wide question but it can probably offer an input about personal psychology and self-understanding.For example they can ask: is it the Hong Kong people attitude the same as the mainland China’s one? The united tending mind is more tempted to answer yes and prefers to firstly enunciate a common vision of the idea.Well – would say – most of the people living in Hong Kong have at least one generation who was settled in the Mainland before spreading down to the city. Moreover the attitude of their heart is just the same, cordial, open and smiling, treating the guests with respect. It does not make any difference if they live in a small or large town. Although their lifestyle is different, the basic behavioral way of acting unites them.  Can I say that to discriminate between good and bad also requires a united mind? For example the Honoris Causam awarded psychologist Nirmala Srivastava states: “The discrimination between good and bad becomes one in your mind, becomes one of your inner temperament, then you are always very much satisfied because you know you are not doing something which is wrong”.