Six common ways (or conditioning) how couples manage the union

In its own way each couple is different. A man and a woman living together have something that other couples do not have. That something is quite impossible to identify and it can be the result of a mix of features or one single vision that works like a glue between the two personalities. There is also the fact that each couple is like one living body constantly evolving and constantly changing… or degenerating too, it depends. I am always intrigued by couple relationship dynamics first of all from mine itself and then also from outside, friends, relatives…. Infact some couples can be used as reference or models. Okey, this is my brief musing of the day. On a  most evident point of view there is that “cool” conditioning which is there to create the condition for the couple to be together. See few of them:

  1. interests, hobby: trendy! experiencing the emotion of travelling often to explore new places and cultures together. Or to go skiing on weekends. Or to party alooot. When we cultivate  a passion in common we have this oneness feeling, like we are one with the partner. Sharing interests is a key for our companionship, otherwise we would feel like two strangers.
  2. church activities: getting really popular these ones! weekly meeting for fellowships and meetings with our friends: we cannot live without it because this is what gives us the strenght and the nourishment  to grow together, appreciate life for every little thing, accept the challenges and what life has to offer.
  3. life philosophy: we dont really know what is uniting us but we guess it’s the perspective and the way we look at every day in our life; the concern we have for each other and the nature. yes! we feel very much connected with the nature, we feel comfortable together and we tink at the same way on lots  and lots and lots of topics and issues.
  4. work: we are working in the same field since long, we are the best partners and complement each other perfectly for the role. So we are very happy to be also merried because there is a special understanding which comes from our common experiences, we are able to anticipate the other’s thoughts and ideas, flowing with his/her creativity at the same time, it’s really thrilling, it gives lots of energy!
  5. tradition and family: our parents got  married in the same style, this is very typical in our countryand works for the betterment of the family. We share the same system of belief and grew up with it, this is the base we stand on: our families are now related and very happy for us, they gave the blessing for a fulfilled merried life, nothing is more important. 
  6. culture and language: we come from the same country, a similar lifestyle, similar friends; we speak the same language at all levels; it’s great we can discuss stuff, ideas, make plans; it works smooth cause we have the same mind form, guess we have absorbed it during all this time until we met; culture is the key, we have lots to share, a full background which gives that feeling of strenght and unity.


My Xmas e-card

In this period with my colleagues at work we use to send email greetings for the season. The girls from Human Relations Department come slightly dressed up by angels and santas sharing sweets and best wishes. Its really cute, it’s a moment of relax and sweet laughing for many of us in the office.This is what I am going to send as Best Wish for the New Year to my mates: an extract of a speech about “How to be inspired” by Nirmala Devi Srivastava. Due to the fact that the main essence of our job (script writing, editing, designing) is the creativity, the word “inspiration” is overused among us, so maybe the time has come to understand its meaning and try to work it out!   

 [ That which is coming to us, which is “new” – and is very different to the “thoughts” that we have. First these inspirations come to us, in “light and shade” and then are “moulded by us into language”. They come from inside…then we are spontaneous, inspirational. It is not like normal thing, which is very superficial, and which is the interaction between thoughts and action, action and reaction.Reduce your arguments to the minimum…and minimum…and don’t think… the inspiration  will come to you from within, and when the inspiration will be coming, then you’ll find that it will be very different…it will be very beautiful.Go on telling your mind that “this is not…this is not…this is not” any thoughts that comes to your mind you go on telling “this is not… not this… not this…”then the inspiration starts coming. You see what I feel… people are not inspired… they have got fear, on one side…or else they go into ego trip. So to stay in the centre, what you have to do is to go on saying “not this thought” …the most intelligent person is the one who knows that our intellect is just an ego trip…this is the sign of pure intelligence…of pure understanding…that the heart is the rule […] but then what is the use of the brain…why not have only heart you see would be alright…but the brain is the one which “acts”. Heart is the inspiration…but the brain acts on it… ]