S.O.S. true spirituality in China, Hong Kong and co.

Spiritual cool stuff open the mind, the heart, the awareness. Absorbing them makes me growing and maturing, appreciating the real beauty around me and in the other people. Spirituality moreover is an urgent must in a city like Hong Kong. Materialism will never compete brilliantly enough with the wonders of deep self-understanding since it is based on dead matters, alienating facts, unclear and fakes personalities, weak characters roaming around.

But true spirituality is never boring and never ending, it can always keep growing just like the age. You realize the transformation is really taking place and you are undergoing constant changes in your mind and in you feelings. All these changes are for good because you know that the spirit is the source. “I am the spirit, I am the pure spirit, I am not conditionings, no ego”. It is the most beautiful affirmation one can say at least once in life! China has this beautiful history of dharma and spirituality that not all the other countries have already understood completely. And unfortunately today it is happening that even the Chinese do not really understand it otherwise they would show it and the country would shine in all its marvel and splendor.

One of the first time I went to China from Hong Kong I asked to my inner spirit (which I believe to be also my inner mother) “Please let me see immediately the problems of this country”. We were just landed in Xiamen and were on our way, as a tour group, to the hotel the very first night. We arrived to a beautiful hotel and while waiting for the rooms a horrible slideshow of local people just in front of our eyes, completely drunk, coming out from a room where they were holding a wedding banquet. Young girls, younger then me, drunk and helped by smoking men to walk thru the hall to reach the sofa. People vomiting on my right side and on my left side on sofas and chairs. After about an hour the tour guide said “Sorry this is not the right hotel, we have to get back to the bus”.

Well, at least I got one good answer to my question and the rest of the tour was of course very pleasant and smooth.

When I read about Chinese news here and on international magazines, when I speak to my mandarin teacher who lives in Beijing, when I hear the comments of family and friends from Europe and America, when I look at my husband every day while staring with his deep sweet curved Cantonese eyes I get automatically sucked into another dimension and I am aware of that.

There are no clear words to describe it unfortunately since it is something that should be lived and experienced to understand. I really hope China will resurrect gradually in its own spirituality again in this modern world which is not needing liquors, nor cigarettes, nor brand new companies and products, nor 100 tallest buildings, nor even English speakers but only of a huge dosage of awakened awareness towards the need of a deep inner revolution in order to sustain proper evolution.

2 thoughts on “S.O.S. true spirituality in China, Hong Kong and co.

  1. i should say: most of the pics are taken behind our home in HK, its called Western Monastery, plenty of pagoda buildings and statues of Tin Hau (Mary). One is the tallest building of the city and the one with the hole in the middle is completely based on rules of architectural feng-shui.
    glad u enjoed the report the little report, smiles

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